BILA in Spanish Curriculum & Course Schedule

Course Descriptions
BILA 503: Sociocultural Contexts of Bi/Multilingualism in Latinx Communities (3 units)*
This course supports Spanish bilingual teacher candidates to develop an understanding of the diverse histories and cultures of Latinx communities in the United States and enact an asset stance that honors and builds on students’ and families’ linguistic and cultural resources in the classroom. Candidates will learn about historical and contemporary patterns of Latin American immigration in the U.S. and California and the diverse transnational experiences of Latinx communities. The course also provides a foundational understanding of bilingualism and language use and development in bi/multilingual contexts. The course is taught in Spanish and, through the course, candidates develop and demonstrate Spanish proficiency at at least the advanced-low level. Prerequisites: Fluency with oral and written Spanish is required, at least at ACTFL intermediate-high level.
BILA 501: Methods and Materials in Spanish Bilingual Classrooms (2 units)*
This course prepares bilingual teacher candidates to apply research and theory on bilingual language and literacy development to support the language, literacy, and content learning of emergent multilingual students in Spanish bilingual classrooms. Candidates are introduced to the history of bilingual education in California and the goals, opportunities, and challenges of different bilingual program models. They learn how to leverage both languages and create interdisciplinary instruction that integrates content learning and language and literacy development in both Spanish and English. This course is taught primarily in Spanish. Prerequisites: Fluency with oral and written Spanish is required, at least at ACTFL intermediate-high level.
BILA 502: Teacher Inquiry in Spanish Bilingual Classrooms (2 unit)
This course supports bilingual teacher candidates to apply learning from BILA 501: Methods and Materials in Spanish Bilingual Classrooms in their own teaching practice. Teacher candidates will be supported to engage in an inquiry process over the semester. Candidates will identify a focal student and use formative and summative assessment to learn about their language and literacy abilities in both Spanish and English. Based on this assessment analysis, candidates will engage in a series of three lesson cycles to support their focal student’s learning—designing instruction, teaching, video recording lessons, and analyzing their recordings and formative assessment data to inform their subsequent instruction. Finally, they will reflect on their focal student’s learning over time and on their own learning as educators. This course is taught bilingually in Spanish and English. Fluency with oral and written Spanish is required, at least at ACTFL intermediate-high level. Prerequisite: Previous or concurrent enrollment in BILA 501: Methods and Materials in Spanish Bilingual Classrooms.
Synchronous sessions on Zoom in the afternoon/evenings with some asynchronous activities between sessions that you complete at your convenience
*Courses taught primarily in Spanish